Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's the little moments

Well here's my first post! I'm an official blogger.

I'm sitting having a moment absolutely to myself. The girl is asleep and the boy's off at kindy. Give a girl a cup of tea, a moment alone and a computer and peace descends. Don't get me wrong I love my kids entirely and totally but, as any mother knows, silence is golden.

It'll be interesting, to me at least, to see how I deal with this modern medium. I have always wanted to see myself as a bit of a Susan Maushart and write little pithy pieces for The Australian Magazine defending feminism whilst also complaining about the trials of motherhood. I have never really read blogs. I've followed my friend's but that's about it so I have no clue as to where my blog will take us. Of course it will be informative whilst also being meaningful and entertaining (tongue firmly placed in cheek).

I am now heading off into blog world to write some background notes on our family. I think I'll start with the kids so in years to come they can look back at this and cringe at what their mother told the world.

Signing off for the first time,



  1. fantastic first post, I cant wait to see where this takes you. Love You xxx

  2. Don't leave me hanging. So what happened with Sascha? I love drama and blog drama is some of the best, it's real man.
    Welcome to blog world. Hang in there and if you lapse don't ever try to catch up it just makes you more depressed and less likely to blog. keep it up and i'm going to follow.
